The borders between Social, Shopping and gaming — are vanished
The borders between Social, Shopping and gaming — are vanished. One thing supports them all — the need for community and relations.
Looking forward to the coming years, we see few interesting changes in the relations between brands and consumers. First of all there is an option that Metaverse will be a real thing soon….. brands will create their own environments on metaverse platforms and will allow the consumers to do much more than just browse and purchase. Shoppers will be able to interact with one another and with brands , and to attend to events and fashion shows. The E commerce area is also going to be changed — It will become more natural and more Social. It means that it will be more intuitive and more like what we’re used to in real life — including real-time advice via live video or audio and users ability to invite friends to a private shopping outing.
Socialization of the shopping experience is not the only phenomenon. We will also see a vanished line between Gaming and Shopping — users can interact with other people and with brands everywhere they go online and brands allow gamers to purchase or win virtual Branded clothing & accessories that they can use to personalize their avatars in various games.
But one thing will remain steady during all these changes — the need and the efficiency of Communities and Community based Marketing strtaegy. the largest gaming platforms understand that and have built-in communities of players where brands can find new audiences for their products.
The bottom line — don’t neglect Community Marketing. This is a strength that does not change over time.
For more opportunities in the Community based Marketing, visit a new company called Adless ( Marketing Without Advertising) :