In recent years, the field of marketing has changed its character and perceptions. The transition from one-way communication to dialogue and relationships is necessary. So is the shift from brand promises to a strategy of value creation — primarily content. The next step in this evolution is what is called signals marketing — gathering signals about the relevance and effectiveness of your content and in general — any of your digital activity. Includes ads.
The current era, in which there is crazy competition for the attention span of customers, requires us to fine-tune our digital activity. To this end, we are committed to adding an additional layer to collect signals about what works or does not work in terms of relevance and customer responses. This layer is the signal layer that focuses on listening to actual consumers and gathering insights (TAT model — Topics/Engagement/ Terms)
· What do consumers care about? What are they talking about ( Topics )
· What motivates them to be engaged (Engagement )
· What anchor terms do they use? What terms motivate them to respond? (Terms)
Each piece of content is the foundation for your next creation plan. Any insight will lead to a more accurate campaign . Each anchor term may support a product value proposition
The TET model enables the creation of PSC — Post Signals Content that based on two types of sources:
1. Follow your initial content: topics, engagement, terms,
2. Listening to networks( content of the category ) : topics,engagement,terms
So how do you do it?
Step 1 :
Defining and characterizing target-group audiences — The more groups you define, the more opportunities you have to create relevance to your business. It is always advisable to look for the passionate segment for the category. This is the audience that will try a new product, talk about that product, this is the audience that will read your content and also distribute it to friends. That’s what passionate do.
Your passionate audience can be found in the relevant groups on social networks, as well as in dialogue activity on your website (for example, inviting people to receive up-to-date content helps you color your potential desires)
Step 2 :
Choose the platforms where you distribute primary content and platforms where you follow TET ( Topics-Engagement- Terms) :
TikTok — It is appropriate to interact with the community through comments and video replies. Comments are a type of content — especially on TikTok
Instagram — offers creative content solutions — carousels, stories, image. Search the platform for content /reels related to your brand
Twitter- this is a “cocktail party” . Brands should use this platform for listening — use the search engine to understand issues and sentiment. Use search to get a pulse of what people think and like
Facebook — Feel close to your community (Facebook groups) and understand what the TET Index of groups and communities is. Search the platform for content/reelsrelated to your business.
Remember: each platform has a different mindset. Keep this in mind when you produce content :
LinkedIn — Business Mood and Opportunities
Facebook — Friendly Mood / Community Mood / Nostalgic Mood
TikTok — Casual Mood
Instagram — Brand Mood (Impressive, Invested content)
Each platform has its own context — influences on how content is consumed
Step 3 :
TET signal picking. How do we collect signals?
Search engines TikTok / Twitter — the topics discussed related to your category
Facebook groups — what is being talked about, anchor terms
Facebook advertising — what campaigns in your category are all about (Facebook Ad library)
Telegram channels — what is being talked about, anchor terms
Instagram — Visit the influencers relevant to your category
Step 4 :
Create TET-based content.
A Quick Guide to Creating Signal-Based Content:
1. Create a content creation plan based on CET-data — content related to leading topics that receive high engagement
2. Content should include selected anchor terms
3. Maintain a Balance between providing value and hooks ( asking for business)
4. Everything should be measurable — track engagement / dialogue data, SPOQ, leads / acquisition etc.
5. It is advisable to create content that is easy to consume — for example listicles (articles written as a list template) or visualization of information graphs, sketches, charts
6. TikTokifaction of your social content should be implemented
What does this mean?
Thesocial graph refers to content from your friends, and the interest graph refers to content based on people interests. Social platforms are evolving to wards the interest graph algorithm. You can submit your content to groups you didn’t expect. Like TikTok allows brands to reach millions of people who don’t follow them. (Content on REELS- can help you reach people who don’t follow)
7. A product description is also content. TET thinking must be implemented
8. An advertising campaign should also be based on signals ( TET)
9. Content mix — 7-legged strategy
-Evergreen content — can be used over time at different points in time
-Micro content — short, clear, motivating for action (continuity)
-Video — as much as possible. Production quality/ value is less important
- Audio — Not just podcasts. Sending audio messages and content is cheap and easy to implement.
- Curated Content — Third party content that may be of interest to your customers
- User Generated Content — UGC — the most important format that connects customers to your brand.
- Immersive Content –Augmented Reality for example — provides a unique experience to customers.
10. Selling without selling — Don’t make an effort to sell. Invest in unique and micro-segmental/personal value.
11. Permission marketing — whoever subscribed to your blog — gave you permission to market. Whoever downloaded your app gave you permission to contact him. Whoever follows you on social networks has given you permission to get to know him and contact him. It is advisable to invest in the permission stage in order to reach a good level of attention from potential customers.
12. Last engagement content — the last part of the content that should generate continuityand return/retention — e.g. — coupon, invitation to join, promise of next content.