Most of the content will be produced by machines

Ofer Oved
2 min readMar 10, 2024

Distinguishing between content produced by a machine versus that created by a human being can sometimes be challenging, especially as machine learning models, like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models, become more advanced. However, there are several indicators that can help differentiate between machine-generated and human-generated content:

1. Quality and Coherence: Human-generated content tends to exhibit a higher level of coherence, logical flow, and nuanced understanding of context compared to machine-generated content. Humans can incorporate personal experiences, emotions, and cultural references in a more authentic manner.

2. Errors and Inconsistencies: Machine-generated content may contain errors such as grammatical mistakes, factual inaccuracies, or logical inconsistencies, especially if the model lacks sufficient training data or context. Human content is generally more polished and error-free, although mistakes can still occur.

3. Originality and Creativity: While AI models can generate text based on patterns learned from existing data, they may struggle to produce truly original or creative content that reflects genuine human thought, imagination, and unique perspectives.

4. Complexity and Depth: Human-generated content often demonstrates a deeper understanding of complex concepts, nuanced arguments, and emotional depth compared to machine-generated content, which may struggle with abstract reasoning or nuanced expressions.

5. Engagement and Empathy: Content created by humans tends to evoke more genuine emotional responses, empathy, and connection with the audience, as it can draw from personal experiences and emotions in a more authentic way.

6. Contextual Understanding: Humans can better interpret subtle cues, nuances, and context-specific information in their content creation, leading to more relevant and contextually appropriate communication compared to machine-generated content, which may lack true understanding of context.

7. Consistency Over Time: Human-generated content often exhibits consistency in style, tone, and voice over time, reflecting the individual’s unique writing style and personality. In contrast, machine-generated content may vary in quality and style depending on the input data and parameters used during generation.

A new venture called NAI ( Not AI ) will help users to consume human-generated content .

One way or another — the content is no longer the king. the new king is the content distribution.



Ofer Oved

An experienced C-Level executive In High Tech & Marketing-Tech fields In large companies (as AOL, McCann Erickson ) and startups . lecturer / author/ consultant