1. Quality of the company’s digital presence DPQ — Digital Presence Quality — that is done by measuring umbers of Followers, App installs, Site Visits, Blog readers etc. all these numbers provide a comprehensive score of lovability and strength of the brand.
2.– SPOQ Index — Social Proof Of Quality — total experiences, recommendations, customer reviews, etc. This figure consists of volume (quantity of recommendations) and sentiment (consumers approach)
3. Clear product differentiation — Different Is better than better
4. Efficient distribution, easy and natural relative to international markets.
5. First Party Data — Control of data and the ability to use data for product strategy , price strategy and marketing strategy
6. Ability to recruit and maintain an excellent team ( location, vision, culture, compensation )
7. Effective and innovative touchpoints between the brand and customers — in store, website, social networks and mobile.
8. Fast brand — digital natives tend to appreciate speed sometimes more than quality……. Quick navigation within brand’s digital assets , Quick purchase ( Zero click for order , Quick delivery and Quick replacement if needed) .
This type of multi-layered brand concept is no longer exclusive for bug and rich brands. A new company called Adless- Marketing Without Advertising
aims to address all relevant layers for entities that do not have significant advertising budgets — small businesses and freelancers. This company’s vision is to give small businesses and freelancers equal chances of success .
How do they do that?
By developing platforms that address all relevant aspects for small businesses and freelancers. No need for significant marketing budgets.